zealousness 4 Zealousness Fourth Edition Winter & Spring 2017 | Page 57

Timeless Low Tech Learning Methods Interactive International educator and PhD Jessie Voights su- ggests guest speakers. These can be any kind of specialist or professional. More traditional guest speakers include police officers or firefighters, but teachers should not be limited to public servants. Bring an Olympian, veterinarian, or even a chef to the classroom to talk about their profession or message. Guest speakers are sure to pique students’ curiosity and make them want to ask questions. Another thing all educators should keep in mind is that they are not omniscient. There are plenty of things their students can teach them as well. If a student questions your intellectual authority then let them. Some of the greatest discoveries in history were made by those who dared to question those whom they had learned from. One such example is when Galileo disproved Aristotle’s theory that the speed at which something falls is relative to its mass. Finally, teachers should spend more individual time with students if they can. Of course, this does not sim- ply apply to when someone has failed a test and one pulls him or her aside to speak in private. Ask how well one understands a lesson for instance. When a child gets one on one time they feel special and are more inclined to be honest about how any trouble they might be having in the classroom. All in all, the best way to encourage student parti- cipation is to combine advanced machines with tra- ditional interaction. There are many conveniences when teachers and schools do not ignore more old fashioned interactive learning. Both students’ and tea- chers’ minds can be enriched when the educational methods are diverse Resurces: (http://scholars.indstate.edu/bitstream/handle/10484/12109/ Kersey_Alyssa_2015_HT.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y) (https://www.noodle.com/articles/5-low-tech-education-tools) https://www.teacherhorizons.com/advice/interactive-teaching/ Winter / Spring 2017 | ZEALOUSNESS MAGAZINE |