zealousness 4 Zealousness Fourth Edition Winter & Spring 2017 | Page 56

Technology Is Not Always Necessary For Interactive Learning By Erica Murphey A ccording to some educational professionals computers are not always needed when it co- mes to participation in the classroom. Though technology can help students in many ways, educators should not ignore the benefits of low tech interactive learning for whom they teach. These ad- vantages include learning from their students, foste- ring new ways of thinking, and understanding pupils on an individual level. Interactive vs. Passive Learning The difference between passive and interactive lear- ning is that passive learning is usually one sided. When a student learns passively he or she might be doing something like listening silently to a teacher’s lecture whereas when one learns interactively he or she might give feedback about the lecture. Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in the Classroom While technology such as iPads, Kindles, and com- puters can give pupils access to a great deal of in- formation with just a push of a button or a touch on a screen some students in poverty may not have ac- cess to the internet or other high tech gadgets at home. Moreover, each child might be at a different technological skill level. More traditional participatory learning methods are not only inexpensive to schools, but their advantages never expire. 56 | ZEALOUSNESS MAGAZINE | Winter / Spring 2017