zealousness 4 Zealousness Fourth Edition Winter & Spring 2017 | Page 47

Stress levels vacillate between healthy levels and unhealthy levels. Recent investigations un- veiled that sporadic stress optimizes the mind’s performance. that demands teens to juggle various activities to be a cardinal stressor (Shapiro, n.d). As a teen enters the frontier of adulthood, the stressors transmutes to other events. Millennials, Gen Xers and Boomers cite money, work and housing costs to be of their paramount concern while matures agonize over their health problems (Stress by Generation, n.d). Can we transcend to a future where there is no stress? Howe- ver, that future is nothing but a chimera since we are biologically wired to respond to stress/stressors via fight/flight response. produces greater proportion of chemicals which ameliorates our heat rates and augments our “mus- cle preparedness, sweating and alertness” – which are consequently needed to protect ourselves from onerous/perilous circumstances (What Is Stress? How To Deal With Stress, 2009). Inconsequential body functions like our “digestive or immune sys- tems” are also waned so that all the resources can be utilized to beget “rapid breathing, blood flow, alert- ness and muscle use” (What Is Stress? How To Deal With Stress, 2009). Thus, stressors and stress is inherent in us and is preeminent for our progress and evolution. It is not circumscribed to our survival ins- Fight/flight response tincts but also applies to our personal growth. For example, external stressors like pressure and advice When faced with an impediment, a human body retorts from others acts as a guide and allows us to look by emancipating biological “resources” to safeguard us: out for better opportunities. However, the salubrious We either take flight or we fight. For instance, if there effects of stress can be accomplished only at healthy is an earthquake, the agility of a person in getting out stress levels of a building would bolster the chances of his survival (What Is Stress? How To Deal With Stress, 2009). Jux- taposing with a similar situation of an earthquake- but Good stress levels and bad this time one has to salvage another person by lifting stress levels the weight off them - ancillary biological “resources”/ hormones is required to impel someone forward (What Stress levels vacillate between healthy levels and un- Is Stress? How To Deal With Stress, 2009). Eventually, healthy levels. Recent investigations unveiled that the flight/fight response is simply our body’s nervous sporadic stress optimizes the mind’s performance system respondi