zealousness 4 Zealousness Fourth Edition Winter & Spring 2017 | Page 46

T he word stress is rather hackneyed, with almost everyone incriminating it to have Which generation is more stres- subjected them to a state of despon- sed out: Millennial, Gen X, Boo- dency. Stress is rather difficult to define mers or mature? due its subjective nature – what one deems The ambit of the ages that each generation covers as a stressful event may not be so stressful is as such (Stress by Generation, n.d): for another. The idiosyncra- - Millennial: 18-33 Our body produces greater sies associated with stress years old Gen X: 34-47 years made the word banal and mi- proportion of chemicals which - old sinterpreted. People construe ameliorates our heat rates and - Boomers: 48-66 stress with inconsequential years old augments our “muscle events like traffic jams and - Mature: ≥67 years arguments to more serious preparedness, sweating and old events like clinical depres- Pursuant to the study by alertness” – which are the American Physiological sion (What is Stress, n.d). So what is stress? consequently needed to protect Association, average stress levels among all the gene- rations has elevated, with An invariably accepted definition the millennial generation is that stress “is the body’s reac- having the greatest levels of tion to a change that requires a stress(Stress by Generation, physical, mental or emotional ad- justment or response” and is transpired by any “situa- n.d). Nevertheless, stress is still stress at any age. tion or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, Only the events that foment stress -stressors- have metamorphosed: from petty school issues to more nervous, or anxious (Angela Morrow, exigent matters. In consonance with a survey by 2014).” The Concept of stress is also the American Psychological Association on iridescent and multi-faceted: good teenagers aged 13-18, 83% of the teens res- stress vs bad stress; internal Vs exter- ponded that school was their main source nal stress; correlation between stress of distress (Shapiro, n.d). Moreover, 60% and age. accused the hectic curriculum ourselves from onerous/perilous 46 | ZEALOUSNESS MAGAZINE | Winter / Spring 2017