YWCA Adelaide Annual Report 2014-2015 | Page 2

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT KATHERINE HARRIS It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 2014/2015 YWCA Adelaide Annual Report. This year celebrates 135 years of the YWCA in Adelaide and has given our movement cause to look back over our years, celebrate our achievements and plan for the next chapter of our story. 2014/2015 has been an important year of transition, challenge and change, with the YWCA continuing to innovate, service and work across a range of areas impacting on the lives of women and girls. This year has also seen the completion of the three year Strategic Plan and time invested into the next strategic period of our contribution to the lives of women and girls in Adelaide and beyond. In planning for our future we have been engaging with YWCA Australia on branding directions, sustainability planning and as we head into a World Council year - the role of our global relationships. At our last AGM we farewelled our immediate past President Nicole Swaine; who I had the pleasure of serving with as Vice President for three years. Nicole has a continuing role as the National Vice President of YWCA Australia so maintains 2 a strong link with our local Board. We also farewelled Amy Nazar and thanked her for her outstanding contribution as Treasurer over her three year term. Priscilla Corbell also completed her Board term at the last AGM while we welcomed Amanda Taylor, Torie Brown and Belinda Lake as newly elected Board members. During the year we farewelled Karina Cosoff, Holly Hershman, Elouise Van Genderen and Chantale Millard. We welcomed Debbie Norman, Ashley Chapman and the return of Chantale Millard to fill casual vacancies. I would very much like to thank all Board members for their outstanding commitment and contribution to the organisation’s ongoing development and success.