Yud Shvat Hachana Booklet 5777 | Page 98

The First Year

In the morning , the Rebbe asked that someone bring a copy of the Sicha of “ Erev Rosh Hashanah 5705 ,” in which the Friediker Rebbe describes the way he prepares himself for the blowing of the Shofar . One of the Bochurim present gave the Sicha to the Rebbe .
During the beginning of Shacharis the Rebbe studied the Kuntres that was published for Rosh Hashanah . When the Chazan reached P ’ sukai D ’ zimra , the Rebbe began to Daven . A few times during the Davening the Rebbe would close his eyes for a brief moment . In those short moments one could see an awesome expression on the Rebbe ’ s face . The pushing was tremendous , for everyone wanted to see the Rebbe at the time of the Tekios . Rabbi Shmuel Levitin and Rabbi Moshe Dovber Rivkin blew the Shofar . After
Davening everyone passed by the Rebbe , who wished them a “ Good Yom Tov !” At 4:30 pm the Rebbe Davened Mincha . After Mincha the Rebbe went to Tashlich at the Botanical Gardens on Eastern Parkway , where they would do it every year . To the right of the Rebbe was Hagaon Harav Meir Ashkenazi . Everyone followed in an orderly fashion . On the way to Tashlich the Rebbe explained the reason of Tekios Shofar according to the Rambam , and the reasons according to Nigleh and Chassidus why Rosh Hashanah cannot occur on Sunday , Wednesday , or Friday .
The Rebbe then repeated some stories . One was that the Alter Rebbe said that on the night of Rosh Hashanah the
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