Yud Shvat Hachana Booklet 5777 | Page 91

To Live and To Learn

The Rebbe cried a lot today during Shacharis . Since it was Erev Rosh Chodesh the Rebbe traveled to the Ohel , but , only certain individuals traveled with him . Before he left , the Rebbe turned to those present and asked whether there was a Minyan . They answered that there are only nine , but the driver is Jewish so he can be the tenth . The Rebbe said to include him . When they arrived at the Ohel the Rebbe told the driver , “ G-d should grant that you should have Gishmei
Brocha .”
The Rebbe then asked that someone should explain to the driver what Gishmei Brocha is . It was explained to the driver that first one has to plant the seed , and only afterwards one can see the blessing .
It was told that the son of R . M . H . was very sick with a high fever . The doctors said that they must operate on the child . The Rebbe replied that there is no need to do so . The doctor was persistent , saying that if he was not allowed to operate he would not visit the patient any more . Every specialist dealing with the case agreed with the doctor , saying that they must operate . The Rebbe replied , “ again there is no need to operate . The child will be well !” The next morning the child felt better and the doctors were amazed at his recovery !
To Live & Learn