Yud Shvat Hachana Booklet 5777 | Page 77

To Live and To Learn

England , was in New York at that time celebrating his son ’ s wedding . He gathered courage and approached the Rebbe , pressuring him to accept the Nessius .
The Rebbe refused vehemently with the words , “ Der Rebbe Lebt .” (“ The Rebbe still lives .”) Rabbi Dubov persisted by saying that following the Histalkus of each Rebbe there was always a successor . To that the Rebbe responded , “ What ! Do you think M . S . ( pronouncing his name ) is a Rebbe ?!”
Throughout Shabbos , and for the whole of the ensuing year , Davening took place in the Friediker Rebbe ’ s room . The Friediker Rebbe ’ s chair and table remained in their normal position . Two lit candles were placed on the table . Another table was placed on the area where the Tahara took place , in order that no one should step on that space .
Throughout the week of Shiva the Rebbe wore his Kapatah ( which had been torn as sign of mourning ) and his black hat . Before Shabbos the Rebbe changed his Kapatah and continued to wear it until the end of the Shloshim .
Today , the Rebbe went to the Ohel together with Anash and Tmimim . Before leaving , the Rebbe said : “ Since it is the custom to recite Tehillim and certain parts of Zohar , and since the Mayna Loshon ( the book which contains these sections of Tehillim and Zohar ) is not yet in print , I will say
To Live & Learn