Yud Shvat Hachana Booklet 5777 | Page 60

Mishnayos for Yud Shevat
e ze` ohw cren zkqn b wxt
Mishnayos for Yud Shevat
and the poor man brought it out , both are exempt . If the owner extended his hand outside and the poor man took something from it , or put something into it and the owner brought it in , they are both exempt .

( VOV )

And these people ( only ) may cut their hair on Chol Hamoed : one who comes from across the sea , or from captivity , or from jail , or one who was in Cherem and he was released by the Chachomim . Also , someone who asked a Chochom to remove a Neder from him and it was removed , a Nazir who finished on Chol Hamoed and a Metzora who became Tahor on Chol Hamoed . m�di�p�W , `i ¦ vFd�e D¨kFz § l z�` z�i © A�d l © r © A h�W¨R . oi�xEh § R , D¨kFY�n i�p¨r�d l�h�p�e uEg © l Fc�i
, qi�p § k�d�e D¨kFz § l o�z�P�W F` : oi�xEh § R m�di�p�W

e ze` ohw cren zkqn b wxt

`Ä�d , c ¥ rFO © A oi�g § N�b�n EN�`�e , d�i § a�X�d zi ¥ A�nE , m�I�d z�pi�c�O�n
, oi�xEq�`�d zi ¥ A�n ` ¥ vFI�d�e , mi�n¨k�g Fl Exi�Y�d�W d�C�p�n�d�e , x�Y�d�e m¨k�g ¤ l l�`�W�P�W i�n o ¥ k�e d ¤ lFr�d r�xŸv�O�d�e , xi�f�P�d�e : Fz�x�d�h § l Fz�`�n�H�n
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