Yud Shvat Hachana Booklet 5777 | Page 114

The Rebbe ’ s Letter

6 . Five candles should burn during the Davening .
7 . After each Tefillah ( and in the morning - after Tehillim ), the Chazan should learn ( or end off learning ) Perek 24 of Mishnayos Keilim and Perek 7 of Mishnayos Mikvaos . He should then say the Mishna beginning , " Rabbi Chananya ben Akashya …" followed quietly by a few lines of Tanya , and Kaddish D ' Rabbanan .
8 . After Maariv , recite by heart part of the Maamor Bosi Legani that was printed for the day of the Histalkus . If there is nobody to say it by heart , learn it from the text . This should also be done after Shacharis and the Maamor should be finished after Mincha .
9 . Before Shacharis , learn a Perek of Tanya . Do the same after Mincha .
10 . In the morning before Davening , give Tzedaka - for yourself and for each member of your family - to the Mosdos that are related to our Nassi , my revered fatherin-law , of sainted memory . Do the same after Mincha .
11 . After Shacharis and the Maamor , everybody should read a Pidyon Nefesh . ( Obviously , wear a gartel when you read it .) Those who had the Zechus to enter the ( Frierdiker ) Rebbe ' s room for Yechidus , or at least saw his face , should picture themselves standing before him while reading their Pidyon . Then place the Pidyon between the pages of a Maamor or Kuntres etc . of his teachings , and send it , if possible on the same day , to be read at his Ohel .
12 . During the day , learn Perokim of Mishnayos that begin with the letters of his name .
13 . During the day , join in a Farbrengen .
To Live & Learn