Yud Shvat Hachana Booklet 5777 | Page 101

To Live and To Learn

Each time the Rebbe stood up from his chair everyone stood up too .
During the break between Musaf and Mincha when everyone left the Friediker Rebbe ’ s room , one of the
Bochurim realized that the Rebbe was entering the room . The Rebbe stood in the place where he Davened covered his face , and started to read Panim .
Rabbi M . Piekarski who was also in the room said that after some time the Rebbe opened up the sacks of letters and took some out to read .
He then put them back and broke into tears . This process went on for the whole break . The Rebbe then went to his room and Davened Mincha with a small Minyan .
Reb Menachem Zev Greenglass related that before the Hakofos on Simchas Torah , the Rebbe called over the Hanhala of Tomchei Tmimim , Montreal ( of whom he was one ). The Rebbe spoke to them about the situation in
Yeshiva . He instructed them to send a report every two weeks . The Rebbe asked who was willing to volunteer to do this . No one replied !
At that moment Rabbi Greenglass wondered how he would address the Rebbe in the report if he volunteered to accept the duty . Concurrently with that thought the Rebbe said that the problem of how to address the report shouldn ’ t
To Live & Learn