Yud Shvat Hachana Booklet 5777 | Page 100

The First Year

immediately went to 770 to receive Lekach . Upon their arrival they found that the Rebbe had already completed giving out Lekach . They decided to return to East Flatbush . On their way back , they saw the Rebbe walking home . Mr . Rappaport stopped the car and ran towards the Rebbe in the middle of the street , asking for Lekach . The Rebbe responded that he did not have any Lekach with him . Mr . Rappaport was undeterred and brought some cake that he had in his car . The Rebbe then gave each of them a piece and blessed them with a successful , sweet year .
Before Kol Nidrei the Rebbe said Tehillim with a Sefer that also contained Meforshim . It is told that the Rebbe ’ s father gave this Tehillim to the Friediker Rebbe , and the Friediker Rebbe gave it to the Rebbe . A few Bochurim noticed that on the inside of the cover was written , “ K ’ vod Kedushas Admur .”
It is also told that the Rebbe ’ s Kittel was made from the shirt of the Rebbe MaHaRaSh , which the Rebbe received from the Friediker , Rebbe . After Maariv the Rebbe began saying Tehillim and raised his voice at the end of every Kapitul similar to the Chazan . Tehillim ended at 10:45 pm .
When the Rebbe came downstairs he noticed one of the
Bochurim sleeping on a bench in 770 . The Rebbe said to the Bochur , “ Tonight you must have a good night ’ s rest !”
To Live & Learn