Youtrain Video Manual Youtrain Manual EBOOK | Page 5

What this manual contains? 3 videos The first one is a great memory from the Method Lab, the second one covers how to prepare for filming a video tutorial with our multimedia producer and our creator of the visual identity for the project, and the third one has tips and lessons learnt that the production crew got by being part of this experience. Templates We will share with you templates for scripts, training session outlines, collecting feedback, youtube descriptions and some more that we used during our project. Links for resources and equipment We will share with you the resources we used or that we recommend to you to dive in if you would like to learn more, as well the filming gear that is advisable to get if you feel like investing into professional video making. Step by steps and intro texts Principles to remember, tips and tricks, some stories and explanations. Everything written in an easy-going manner based truly on our almost 2 years of experience from this project. Some backstage pictures and stories Yes, we will share with you the embarrassing moments too! 5