Youtrain Video Manual Youtrain Manual EBOOK | Page 31

Filming the activity For the activity to be filmed firstly the trainer responsible for it needed to make a Training Session Outline (TSO) and later the script. So there you go - take a moment to see the TSO of the activity “Mission Impossible”. edit and the script. After this was delivered, the video team had a moment to read it, have a meeting with a trainer to explain how the activity looks like, trainer’s expectations towards the tutorial and based on that the shot list was created- so the production team had an idea and a plan what to shoot, see it here. When the set was prepared and everything was settled, participants started to arrive into the training room we were waiting ready to roll. Now remembering what Reinout was saying in his video: planning is one thing and very important to do it, but the readiness to act upon what is happening during filming and improvising is super valid to get great shots! Especially during educational training activity- you never know what participants will come up with! Happily during “Mission Impossible” all went well and we got enough footage to show what this activity is about. Nevertheless filming the activity was only one part of the whole production process of educational video tutorial we made. Filming the interview For the structure of our videos we decided to include footage from the training and the interview of a trainer explaining how to facilitate it. A crucial part of those interviews was to ensure that we would film them in a place where the sound and the image will be adequate. Take a look on our first interview set up attempts. After some hours setting everything and using what we could find at the venue (mattresses, sheets, a lot of duct tape, etc), we admitted the fail. There was too much echo and the idea of filming theinterview in kind of open spaces did not work. Next day (or night) we moved to a small room and it was much better. For the interview itself it was important for the trainer to be prepared to tell a story of the activity: what is the method about, step by step, tips and tricks - whatever was needed to make it a tutorial. Here the producers were helpful in asking questions that you can see in the script. We totally needed to admit that as trainers we are used to speak in front of our participants, but camera is sometimes less friendlier.. It does not give you instant feedback of looking bored or annoyed.. We needed to get out of our comfort zone and just deal with how weird that was. Lots of lessons learnt and admitting that during the process it was getting easier after one or two interviews. Here it was helping that we had good relationship with our video team and the atmosphere was easy going and supportive. 31