Youth Voice: Issue II | Page 5

Legacies of Mercy page 5 E d i t or s P i c k distinguished and noble men to him. Their attire was to be rags and nooses were to be tied around their necks and they shall come to him with bare feet for him to do with them as he saw fit. M e r c y i n t h e h e r oi c t r a d i t i on The six that went were volunteers whose selflessness and spirit of sacrifice is captured by Rodin in his In 1884, Auguste Rodin – perhaps France's most monumental work. These six represent all the goodness famous sculptor – was commissioned by the city of of France and the honor of her people (though I would Calais for a piece that would reflect French national argue these qualities are nonexistent in France today). history and pride. The Burghers of Calais it was called, Yet a similar sculpture sits proudly outside the great and it serves as a monument to the siege of Calais that British house of parliament! Why? When these six had happened many centuries ago during the 100 humiliated men were brought before the King of years war between France and their English England, Edward in a great show of mercy, forgave them neighbors. Six men it portrayed, with nooses around and let them free. The sculpture outside parliament their necks and their feet bare. After his sudden captures this quality of a monarch so powerful that he landing at Normandy and his soul crushing victories can afford to show mercy. at Cannes and Crecy, Edward III – one of England's These are the heroes of Western tradition and Edward's most celebrated kings (and also responsible for the red pardon of the six men of Calais is still seen as a great feat cross on the flag) – marched to Calais, a key fortified in the eyes of many (though they conveniently leave out city near a port that would most certainly secure the the part where the queen persuaded him). success of his campaign in France. What ensued was one of the longest sieges ever Is this the extent of mercy in western heroic tradition? recorded in Medieval warfare with the common Perhaps. people of Calais and a handful of French troops Limiting our study of the world to western tradition robs holding out to Edward (who had razed and killed all us of knowledge concerning true heroic deeds done in that lived in the surrounding countryside) for almost a the past. What is a true heroic deed in the realm of year. The situation inside the city was so dire that at mercy? To me (and to those with a hint of common it's darkest days, the men, women and children of sense), it must be a situation in which a person has every Calais were forced to eat rats to survive. The French right to be unmerciful and vengeful, but chooses mercy. king watched helpless, as a great share of his forces Edward's mercy is faux; his campaign in France and his nobles had been slaughtered on the fields of invalidates any iota of goodness that he may have shown Crecy mercilessly by Edward; thus, no reinforcement to the six at Calais. He intentionally commanded his came to the oppressed people of Calais. soldiers to raid the country side, burn crops and kill Starved, defeated and abandoned, they held up the innocent civilians where ever they were found. white flag and prepared for a humiliating surrender. His invasion of France was not only an act of supreme Just as the English would barge into the city to loot it aggression by modern standards, but an act of a power and rape its women, Edward stopped them. He hungry and lustful man seeking dominion. commanded Calais to send six of its most But is there no instance of true mercy in Western history? Perhaps there is. But one of the most striking cases arises in Islamic history. Such was the case when the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad peace be upon him entered into the city of Mecca in 630 AD, many centuries before the English knew the meaning of 'civilization'. If a man had a greater right to exact vengeance on a people, it would be Muhammad as he looked on the faces of the dishearten Meccans, the oppressors, killers, and bullies of him and his followers. These were the people that would take a continued on pg 7 ... A MUNA Youth Publication