Youth Culture. One. | Page 81

Although Skinhead culture is widely viewed as being something that is heavily associated with white power groups, racism, and violence, we have to remember that Skinhead Culture began in working class Britain. It was a rebellion against the social norms and the established youth culture of the late sixties. They were bound for conflict from the start so it seems.

There are many facets of Skinhead culture that are for people who enjoy the music associated with it, for the comradery. But it must be remembered that the conflict within Skinhead culture comes from within and the different values that they all have.

So to answer the question, any subculture is as good or as bad as any individual wants to make it. Punks used to wear swastikas, but it wasn't because they were Nazi sympathizers, but more to rebel. Surely the moral of this is that although there is conflict within any subculture, it should not be judged on the actions of a small minority.
