Youth Code 2 - spring/summer 2015 | Page 7

BEAUTY IN DETAIL / FACE REJUVENATION RESTORATION OF ELASTICITY SKIN SMOOTHENING PIGMENTATION TREATMENT WIDENED PORE TREATMENT SCAR CORRECTION ACNE TREATMENT WIDENED VESSEL TREATMENT STRETCH MARK CORRECTION UNWANTED HAIR REMOVAL NO MORE VASCULAR SPIDER WEBS Have you ever noticed spider web of visible red vessels on your thighs or calves? They’re called vascular lesions and they may seem to be just an aesthetic problem at first but they can also foreshadow varicose veins. So go out into the nature and to the gym, don’t expose yourself to the sun too much and eat healthier food with lots of vitamins. Also, stop by Mediestetik clinic where we can solve your vascular skin problems with Candela V-Beam™ laser. Laser beam causes fast withdrawal of the visible vessels. Those ugly red spider webs will slowly fade and you’ll be left with porcelain looking complexion. The laser can also treat various skin problems of a vascular kind like rosacea, scattered skin reddening, excessive blushing etc. There have been amazing results in treating acne with the very same laser too. MYTHS AND FACTS ABOUT LASERS FACT I can go out in the sun, I just have to protect Laser epilation causes stronger hair growth Laser epilation destroys hair bulbs. It doesn’t It doesn’t matter who performs the treatment Professionalism of the doctor influences the Laser epilation of intimate area can Laser epilation only reaches to the hair bulbs. It influence my fertility How about unwanted hair? Laser can help you with that as well! You can read all about it on pages 14 and 15… MYTH I can’t go out in the sun after laser treatment doesn’t influence any bodily functions Lasers expose me to radiation Authentic FDA approved lasers do not myself with SPF 50 sunblock influence growth of new hair anyhow success of the treatment emit any radiation #2 spring/summer 2015 7