Youth Code 2 - spring/summer 2015 | Page 4

NEWS / TOPICS Progress. There are only several fields where progress is more visible than in medicine. New advancements, new technologies, new researches. Year after year many of them appear. Some disappear again fast and do not go any further, others on the other hand can cause a revolution. What ground-breaking inventions happened in aesthetic medicine this year, you may ask? WHO ARE WE? International group of clinics Mediestetik is one of the oldest European medical institutions focused in aesthetic medicine. Over twenty years, Mediestetik brand has represented exclusivity, premium quality and high professionalism, innovative methods, modern equipment and maximum comfort. Thousands satisfied clients across the continent confirm that such concept is highly demanded. In the Czech Republic Mediestetik clinic opened one of its branches in 2010. _1 N TOPIC Do you know how you’re going to look like in ten years? In twenty? No? We do! A revolutionary invention has just arrived to the market – a 3D complexion diagnosis system Visia®. It is based on the UV photography principle and can scan your face down to the smallest details. It tells you very precisely not just what cannot yet be seen but what you might not even know about yet. It is thoroughly mapping the skin structure and revealing problematic pores, pigment or reddish spots and gradually appearing wrinkles. Thanks to this you can attack the problem now, even before it actually appears. This makes Visia® an irreplaceable helper for the diagnostics of the patient, making the physician’s work easier and more precise than ever. It also enables patient to better understand what is happening with their skin and why they should chose the solution that the physician recommends them. 4 #2 spring/summer 2015