Yours Truly 2017 / Cascadia College / Bothell, WA 2017 YT Online Book | Page 96

way out. My body is here but my mind is still back in that dark room, the light of the kitchen spilling in through the open bedroom door, the sound of seams ripping and muffled voices and my body being pressed against the mattress. I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. I don’t know how much time has passed. I am only aware of my face pressed against Andy’s shoulder, my shuddering breaths saturating the soft fabric of her fleece sweater. When the worst of it has passed and a few more heaving sighs later Andy whispers, “You’re scaring me.” I don’t tell her that I’m scared too. I don’t tell her how much my body hurts. I don’t tell her that I haven’t slept. I don’t tell her I’m as furious as I am scared. Instead I say, “Sorry.” “Just tell me — what’s wrong?” I hear the quiver in her voice, and my chest aches because I know I’ll break her heart if I tell my sweet and gentle and empathetic best friend what’s happened. I want to tell her everything that’s wrong. That I can’t give her back the pair of jeans she let me borrow because the button is gone and the seams are ripped. I want to tell her that I don’t feel human. I want to tell her that pink Plan B boxes are fucking expensive and I want to tell her that everything, everything is broken, 94 and colored in shame and that I’m afraid I’ll never be okay. I want to tell her that rape isn’t always like it is on the news or in movies. Sometimes the aftermath of it looks like your best friend cleaving herself in two trying to figure out how to tell you it happened to her. I want, I want to tell her all these things but how do I tell her something I can’t even understand? “I think . . .” I swallow and lick my cracked lips. “I — ah. Nothing.” Andy’s eyes wrinkle in worry and her face is lined in dread. I shake my head in response, feeling as though the words I’m trying to hide are pushing through my skin. I’m trembling with the effort to keep my head above these emotions. “Something happened to me.”