Yours Truly 2016 / Cascadia College / Bothell, WA | Page 65

The Auction Sage Moore A brittle man descends the steps first, revealing long front teeth in his grin. The second man must duck to let his graceful white horns through the door. His blacknailed hands are curled around a pair of iron manacles, hauling a pale, skinny boy behind him. Greyson’s eyes are open on the ceiling as he is dragged down the steps. Each one hits a different protruding bone. Rib. Hip. Tailbone. He barely notices, numb with cold and iron. The staircase curves and gives way to a market lit with old oil lamps. Long, flickering shadows of merchants and customers cover the crumbling brick wall as they shift back and forth, inspecting merchandise. It is all the same—iridescent rocks and vials of glowing white liquid. The shimmer follows the inhabitants through the room, catches on the edges of cheeks, the satin of dresses or the spike-studded lapels peeking from beneath dark coats. There is one merchant who has something other than white. A gas mask covers his face as he runs vials of viscous red liquid through a smoking clockwork machine and produces a sparkly gas into balloons. The only child in the space begs his mother to buy one, as if the blood gas is a carnival toy. Trembles take Greyson’s limbs. The horned man throws him to the center of the crowd. Voices squeal and feet shuffle back, forming a circle around his crumpled form. The man with the sharp teeth raises his arms to the shadows on the walls. “Ladies and gentleman of Paris! It’s time for a party. We start the bidding at one thousand gold,” he says, motioning to Greyson on the ground. Gasps travel through the circle as they take in the offering and skitter back further. “Are you mad?” screams a greenskinned woman in a striped dress. “We’ll be raided!” “I beg to differ, my lady,” the horned man says, ripping through Greyson’s cravat to expose his bare neck. “Unchained.” The bidding begins. 63