Yours Truly 2016 / Cascadia College / Bothell, WA | Page 30

which was why I had chosen that moment to do my shopping . I thought of my eighthundred-plus Facebook friends and how they would turn my page into an epic memorial to me .
Shannon said something about her babies , but it was muffled by her quivering sobs .
“ Your grandkids don ’ t want nothin ’ to do with you ! You can ’ t even take care of your OWN kids !”
If I had waited until later , I ’ d have had to fight for parking and risk being hit by a grocery cart in the ankle or the door of my Lexus . I don ’ t want to die . I have the best life ever . “. . . always tryin ’ to get the last word !” Then , “ Kid , you better stay put or I swear to Christ I ’ ll shoot you before I shoot her .”
More muted conversation . Where the hell were the cops ? My ear was sweating , and my wrist ached from the death grip I had on my phone . I strained to hear what the two were saying now .
“. . . No , Shannon , YOU started this when you chose your meth over them . Lookit you , all strung out ; you look like a fuckin ’ Halloween decoration .” So glad I don ’ t know what that ’ s like . Shannon mumbled something .


“ No ! You were NEVER pretty ! Have you looked in the mirror lately ? Like your face caught fire and someone tried to put it out with a fork !”
“ You know what , Rob ?” Shannon ’ s voice was a shrill whine now . “ YOU made me this way ! You got me started again !” “ You blamin ’ ME ?” “ Yeah ! All you ever do is compare me to your mother !” “ But my mother ain ’ t a WHORE !” “ I- ” Shut up , Shannon ! I begged against the pounding in my ears .
“ Ma ’ am ?” said the voice on the other line . “ The police are outside the store now . You ’ re still behind the metal shelf , right ?” “ Yes ,” I whispered . “ Okay , I want you to stay there and don ’ t move at all until one of the officers comes to get you . Try to crouch down as low to the floor as you can . Can you do that for me ?” “ Okay .” “ You ’ re doing really good . Just hang in there another few minutes .” I ’ m going to be a hero .