Yourcaddy #3 | Page 65

THE LEO SAYER... PINK POWER SPHERES INGREDIENTS If you’re out on the course for a long period of time, maybe a 36 competition or an intense two day tournament it can be difficult to fuel yourself properly to maintain good levels of stamina, athletic performance and concentration. One of the best foods for aid you in keeping your levels up are Beetroots. Not only is beetroot great for boosting stamina and making muscles work harder, it also contains potassium, magnesium and iron as well as vitamins A, B6 and C, and folic acid. Beetroot is not only good for you for short term gains, Research has shown that beetroot can help reduce blood pressure as well as its associated risks such as heart attacks and strokes. This is because the high content of nitrates in beetroot produce a gas called nitric oxide in the blood which widens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. You may think that getting these into an enjoyable and portable