Yourcaddy #11 | Page 58

10 must do things ...

Do you arrive at the golf course hoping your A game will show up that day ? Or do you have a system for making sure your concentration will be zoned in ? Players who give consistent performances know how to fine-tune their minds .
Here are ten mental strategies that can help you improve your concentration in golf .

1 . Create a Pre-Zone Period : To get in the zone in the round , create the zone feeling in advance . At home , or away from the office , do 10-15 minutes of mental readiness preparation , including positive visualization , making a game plan , and positive thinking . Arrive at the course 20-30 minutes early to practice and gather yourself . When you have a strong mental game of golf , you will add this extra time to your golf experiences to guarantee your mind works for you , not against you .

2 . Be Aware of Nuances in Pre-Shot Routines : You may have a different pre-shot routine for various clubs and situations , so be consistent within each of those . Be aware when you alter these routines , and start over . When you have a strong mental game of golf , you will be more aware of these important subtleties .

3 . Commit To The Shot : If you change your mind about anything on the shot , back off the ball , recommit and refocus on your routine . Picture the result you want in your mind and before you swing , let go of that image , and refocus on the ball . When you have a strong mental game of golf , you will have more mental discipline .

4 . Accept What Will Happen , In Advance : Paradoxically , to get the results you want , you need to release your urge to micromanage these results during your swing . Players who are control freaks can ’ t let go of their conscious mental control that makes their swing guided and tight . Instead , accept what will happen in advance , trust your swing and let it fly . When you have a strong mental game of golf , you know that letting go paradoxically gives you more unconscious control .

5 . Stop Evaluating Your Progress : Instead of riding the emotional roller-coaster of being excited when you hit a good shot , and depressed when you don ’ t , try staying more emotionally even as you play . To do this , don ’ t be consumed with how well you are doing or “ If you will win ”. Instead , suspend judgment and take a “ Let ’ s see what happens ” approach and simply keep your mind in the here and now . When you have a strong mental game of golf , you have more poise and patience with yourself .