YounG7 @ Cividale YounG7-cividale 2017 | Page 29

RULES OF PROCEDURES Rule 1 Delegation A delegation is made up of double representatives for each member state in all committees. Rule 2 Invitation to Silent Prayer or Meditation Immediately after the opening of the meeting a of each session of the committee. A member might move for a Silent Prayer or Meditation to observe a moment of silence for a determinate happening in the world. It will be given at the Chairman’s discre- tion. Rule 3 Quorum motion to open the Speaker’s List. Shall the motion pass, countries that wish to address the body and consequently be added to the list should raise their placards. The Speaker’s List will always be open to consultation by all members as it will be projected on a screen. Member shall speak an unlimited num- ber of times, but must not be present at the same time in the Speaker’s List. Given the peculiarities of this summit it is not uncommon that the Speaker’s List, while being the de facto standard form of de- bating, is oftentimes disregarded in favor of a more open and democratic debating approach such as the Moderated Caucus. Rule 8 Yields A member may yield his or her remaining time to: The Chairman may declare a meeting open and per- mit the debate to proceed when at least one third of the members of the General Assembly are present. The presence of a majority of the members shall be required for any decision to be taken. 1) t  he Chairman: leftover time will be cancelled and next speaker will be called; Rule 4 3) A  nother Member: this member will be allowed to address the membership but may not yield any additional time. Roll Call Before the start of the session and in order to have a precise ove rlook on the exact membership of the committee, the Chairman will run a Roll Call to which members shall reply “Present” or “Present and Voting”. Rule 5 “Present or Present and Voting” A member simply stating their physical presence in the committee room shall answer “Present” by show of placard, while “Present and Voting” indicates a binding declaration of vote resulting in the loss of the capacity of abstention in substantive votes. Rule 6 Speeches No representative may address the committee with- out having previously obtained the permission of the Chairman. The Chairman shall call upon speak- ers in the order in which they signify their desire to speak. The Chairman may call a speaker to order if his remarks are not relevant to the subject under discussion. Rule 7 Speaker’s List The formal debate at YounG7 is carried through the speakers list, which is de facto the only form of de- bate contemplated at the G7 conventions. Follow- ing the Roll Call and the reaching of a reasonable quorum, the Chairman will express the need of a 2) Questions: time will be left on the floor for mem- bers to ask questions, only answering time will be counted. Should no question arise, time will auto- matically be yielded to the Chairman; Rule 9 Speaking Time The Chairman may limit the time to be allowed to each speaker and the number of times each rep- resentative may speak on any question. When the debate is limited and a representative exceeds his allotted time, the Chairman shall call him to order without delay. Speaking time is decided by the member who moves for the opening of the Speak- er’s List and might be changed anytime by another member accordingly to the Chairman provisions. Rule 10 Closing of list of speakers During the course of a debate, any member may move for the closure of the Speaker’s List. This mo- tion requires 2/3 majority and should it pass will bring the committee directly into voting procedures or to the tabling of the topics. Rule 11 Adjournment of debate During the discussion of any matter, a representa- tive may move the adjournment of the debate on the item under discussion. In addition to the pro- poser of the motion, two representatives may speak in favor of, and two against, the motion, after which the motion shall be immediately put to the vote. The Chairman may limit the time to be allowed to speak- ers under this rule. 29