“Young professionals! Say no to bullies!!!” 1. Introduction The project Erasmus+ young professionals. Say no to bullies has been created out of the needs of young people who enter the job market and are not familiar with their own rights and the realities of the professional life, and hence they face difficult situations in the working environment. The second reason for creating the project was related to the needs of the organizations that work with the youth and do not have appropriately trained personnel capable of providing support for young people facing problems at work, and who also look for the knowledge and tools for eliminating such problems. The lack of the knowledge about coping in professional environment among young people often leads to experiencing inconvenient situations which may have serious psychosocial consequences. It is necessary to improve the knowledge about pathologies in working environment, and prepare the youth to enter the job market. It is also necessary to prepare the people who work with the youth to perform their tasks in this field more efficiently. The awareness of how important the problems are will allow for implementing preventive measures and informative campaigns. It will also help to work on further preventive initiatives. The main objective of the project is to spread the knowledge of the abuses such as mobbing, discrimination, and harassment that might be experienced by young employees who enter the job market. The awareness and good knowledge of mobbing and discrimination may prevent young people from experiencing such problems and help them to manage problematic situations. The knowledge of such issues is even more relevant if the law regulations do not sufficiently protect the workers from pathologies such as mobbing and discrimination. In many countries such law regulations are either minimal, or non-existent. The following brochure is to provide basic knowledge about mobbing, discrimination and sexual harassment. Due to the wide variety of legal regulations and used terminology in the countries participating in the project the brochure mainly focuses on sharing the knowledge related to the aspects and types of the discussed issues, and the preventive measures. The brochure also focuses on psychological basis of mobbing and discrimination, and indicates the symptoms of such behaviours. However, it does not refer to the legal regulations. For this reason the terminology and nomenclature are of secondary importance here. The most relevant aspects of the brochure are related to raising the awareness of the issues among young people, making them vigilant so that they realise that the boundaries of appropriate behaviour are crossed. The second element of the publication refers to the aspects of self -esteem and assertiveness, which should be enhanced so as to cope with the conflict situations, and the cases of mistreatment. As the following publication is first of all dedicated to the organizations partnering in the project, apart from the knowledge about the problems, it also includes the hints related to organizing and holding meetings and workshops on the prevention of mobbing and discrimination. 3 'Informational and workshop guide for mobbing, discrimination and sexual harassment'