“Young professionals! Say no to bullies!!!” Sexual harassment Sexual harassment, which also belongs to the category of discrimination, is defined as the act that involves the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks which violate somebody’s dignity and create the atmosphere of hostility, violence and humiliation. Sexual harassment in the workplace has two basic forms: 1. Sexual blackmail – offering employment, pay rise, promotion in return of providing sexual services (which is conveyed directly, or indirectly) 2. hostile working environment  suggestions, obscene allusions  flirting which may be offensive  sexual advances  jokes with sexual subtexts  comments on somebody’s sexual life Actions can be classified as sexual harassment, if they are unacceptable, unwanted, and the harassed person clearly protests against such actions. It must be remembered that in the cases of sexual harassment, out personal views do matter. Everybody may define acceptable, or unacceptable behaviours differently. One person may expect compliments, whereas the other may find the same compliments awkward, intrusive, unwanted, and unacceptable. Crossing the boundaries of acceptability is perceived as sexual harassment if in the view of the harassed person the harassing actions are not stopped, regardless of his/her protests. Counteraction against sexual harassment Individual counteraction against discrimination and sexual harassment largely depends on our awareness of experiencing such actions, and our awareness of being rightfully capable of counteracting against such actions. For that reason, knowledge about sexual harassment, assertiveness, adequate self-esteem and self-confidence are very important in effective reaction to sexual harassment. Protesting, saying it loud, informing other people about what I am exposed to are the most important behaviours taken by the harassed, or discriminated person. Sometimes it is necessary to be isolated from the harasser as it is not always possible to change his/her behaviour, however, it is definitely possible to change ours. In the case of all pathologies taking place in the workplace, the attitude of the employer, his/her actions and decisions are extremely important. These actions will not be presented here due to the purpose of this publication. However, it is essential to be familiar with the state regulations, legal actions that can be taken, what can be expected from the employer. Knowledge and awareness are the basic tools of defence! Successful management of difficulties, stress, and bad treatment depends on our knowledge about these phenomena and the support we get. But to a great extent it depends on who we are, i.e. what features of personality we have: if we are self-confident; if we are doubtful about our feelings, thoughts, beliefs; if we believe in ourselves, or are mostly influenced by other people and their actions; if we give ourselves right to making mistakes, having urges, or desires; if we are assertive and care about our needs; or if we can be pushed around. Our decisions depend on who we are. It should be remembered that self-confidence, self-esteem and assertiveness can be developed. There are people who had these virtues instilled in them by their parent and families. For them it is easy to 12 'Informational and workshop guide for mobbing, discrimination and sexual harassment'