YOU CAN MAGAZINE Volume 2 | Page 43

Year ’ s resolution list year after year . In her book , Write It Down , Make It Happen , Henriette Anne Klauser , Ph . D states that you are more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down . You may not even realize what your goals are until you begin to write . The Artist ’ s Way , by Julia Cameron explains how journaling releases blocks to creativity .

MAKE A PLAN - Making a plan is where most people get bogged down , but your plan doesn ’ t have to be elaborate . I ’ m a writer , so these examples refer to writing , but can work for any goal . My goal is to complete a 7,500- word manuscript within the next four months . Now , that may seem daunting , but when broken down into small manageable bites , it ’ s not so bad . I start with a schedule . I get up each day at 6 a . m . and write for a minimum of 2 hours . I record the number of pages I ’ ve completed that day in my calendar . I ’ ve given myself 4 months to complete the first draft and I ’ m on my way . As I commit to writing each day , I ’ m chipping away at my long-term goal-- the manuscript .


PROGRESS – Tracking progress and reviewing goals accomplishes several things ; it re-directs your focus , helps you

Cyberspace contains a plethora of tools to make goal setting easier . The following list has variety of apps suited to help you achieve your goals . Do a little sleuthing and see which one works best for you .
1 . Nozbe 2 . GoalsOnTrack 3 . LifeTick 4 . Strides 5 . Coach Me 6 . Habit List 7 . Irunurun
determine next steps needed to advance , and it ’ s motivational . Allow your goal to inspire you . Visualize your goal in detail and use the detail to re-populate your daily task list . By having clearly defined tasks inch you toward completion . Think of it as a checker game-keep moving until you are “ kinged .”

SHARING YOUR GOALS - Sharing your goals

used to be in vogue . The perception being , goals could be attained faster through establishing accountability -- not so today . The general consensus is that by sharing , you could actually be sabotaging yourself . Personally , I only share with people I trust . If you don ’ t have a cadre in your corner , be selective with whom you share . I have a friend with similar goals ; we meet after Christmas each year to decompress from the holidays , and to review our goals , and set new ones . This system works well for us because of the trust factor .

TOOLS - I use the K . I . S . S . ( Keep It Super Simple ) method for my goals . I am a visual learner and prefer paper to on-line calendars . I purchased a 5x8 journal and in it I list goals for the year . I also have a paper planner for with calendar for tasks . Paper tracking motivates because I can see progress by checking off each task as it is completed .

One of the most important rules when striving for goals is – Don ’ t give up ! What if Thomas Edison , George Washington Carver , Jonas Salk , or Henry Ford had given up ? The world would certainly be a different place . I ’ ll end with a quote from Zig Zigler , “ If you aim at nothing , you will hit it every time .”
Ruth Barmore is the author of , “ Memories of the Matriarch ” and the article , “ Just After Seven ”, which will be published in Chicken Soup for the Soul : Angels and Miracles . On book stands November 1st .
Ruth received her Associate of Arts in 1990 , from Cecil College in Maryland . She is an honorably discharged Air Force Veteran , the wife of a career Air Force husband , mother of two sons , and proud grandmother of two . Ruth is a member of Sisters in Crime , a national organization supporting mystery writers . Ruth enjoys quilting , traveling and of course , writing .

Learn More about Ruth