YMCA Healthy Living Magazine, powered by n4 food and health (Spring 2014) | Page 7

YOU TOLD US: “I want to read about good, healthy food for the family, including picky eaters (my kids).” EVE REED, APD Eve Reed is a leading paediatric dietitian, who started her own business to support parents and help them take the stress out of feeding their children. Read out more about Eve at www.n4foodandhealth.com ARE YOU RUNNING A RESTAURANT OR A FAMILY ? Nutrition expert Eve Reed provides these helpful tips for parents of fussy eaters. t’s not surprising to hear that parents find feeding their family stressful, especially if they are having to prepare more than one meal each evening. In these situations, it’s not uncommon for food preparation to begin in the afternoon and finish much later in the night (i.e. after feeding the children and then cooking another meal that is eaten later, with their partner). In short, this means parents are often dealing with food (i.e. either cooking, feeding, cleaning up) for several hours of every evening. I From about one year of age, and often earlier, children can be offered the same meal as the rest of the family. They may, however, ne VB