YM Shorts Magazine Issue #5 | Page 22

M ario Sandoval is approaching his 20th year serving as the youth pastor at All Saints Church in Dale City, Virginia. He is a married father of three children, two grown. YM Shorts: This may seem like a simple question but it is not. Why have you stayed at your church for 20 years? Mario: There are several reasons for staying. The first is our church has a great attitude about growing the kingdom as oppose to growing All Saints. Thus this has allowed me to go outside the church walls. I don't think that I have ever been bored or stale in doing my job. The second is I am rooted. These connections over the years allow me to be a part of the body not just in theory. Senior pastors know me, youth leaders know me, school administrators know me, through basketball a lot of young people know me. This allows me to move and operate with a level of trust. I believe that this is a major plus! YMS: One of the reasons given for the short stay for many student ministers is that they have a “packaged ministry” that is good for 2 to 3 years at most. When all of the elements have been used, it is time to move on. Did you face one of these moments and how did you adjust? Mario: Our church had gone through quick exits of two youth ministers. They 22 wanted more stability. At the same time, I moved my family from Florida to Virginia. I did not want to move in three years. There was an incentive $$$$ for me to stay longer and it was easy for me to want this because I didn't want to get up and move again. For this reason I didn't have any adjustments. YMS: What parts of your youth ministry have you repeated over and over again? Why? Mario: Every two years I do a program called “Raising the Standard” which deals w/ sexual purity. It is an excellent presentation which I believe needs to be offered regularly. Each year teens are in different places regarding the opposite sex and relationships. Therefore, it is important to address these issues. Honestly, it is the best program format that I have put together. It should be offered to others as well it is that good. I don't often promote myself or my ministry, but this is the one program that I will push. I also offer Bible study each week; boys and girls separate. It has been a wave of good attendance and poor attendance. Still I am unwilling to drop it from the weekly offering. The biggest problem has been picking the right night. We meet on Thursdays and now meet at my house instead of the church. This summer there has been improvement on attendance. I believe that God's word needs to be offered as a choice. So we will continue to offer this to the students who are willing to make time in their schedule. PS - Those students that attend seem to be further along with their walk. Music team: Again, it is a great place for students to offer their gifts. Teens that join the music team tend to come further grounded as key members of our group. Two mission trips per summer: The "Home Grown" is the mission that teaches our teens that our community needs attention. WildFrontier.org