Yiben Magazine Jan. 2015 | Page 3

Lord Mayor’s New Year’s Message for Yiben Magazine 阿德莱德市长 Martin Haese 新年致辞 On behalf of the City of Adelaide, I’d like to extend my best wishes to you for 2015. The City of Adelaide is proud to be a multicultural city and our Chinese community is a vital part of our rich cultural tapestry. There are more than 3500 people of Chinese heritage living here in the city and our city is richer for your presence. I hope the New Year brings much success and happiness. Gōng hè xīn xǐ! 我谨代表阿德莱德市政府,向大家致以最诚挚的新年问候! 阿德莱德是一个多元文化聚集的城市,广大华人社区为阿德莱德丰厚的文 化瑰宝贡献了不可磨灭的力量。阿德莱德市中心已拥有超过 3500 名华裔 市民,我们的城市因你们而更加丰富美好! 在此恭祝大家新年万事如意,和乐美满。Gōng hè xīn xǐ(恭贺新禧)! Martin Haese LORD MAYOR 马丁 • 赫斯(Martin Haese) 阿德莱德市长 Gōng hè xīn xǐ – translates to ‘good luck in the year ahead’. Gōng hè xīn xǐ(恭贺新禧):意为祝愿新年鸿运当头。