YH OCT-NOV 2019 | Page 21

Soul, you are not alone in this. I hear your anxiety. I hear your fear. I hear your suffering. I hear your struggles. I hear your heart. I give you my light. I fill you with my love and support. I send you the care of an All Loving and Healing Presence. I hold you in the light of Powerful Resilience. You are safe. The light of your being is eternal. I hold you in the reality of this eternal light that your Soul's purpose is manifested through joy and healing. We are with you. Soul Pod By-laws: Appreciation: th Wrap Up and Appreciation 6 Exercise: Go around the circle and have each member state what they appreciate about the gathering, the other members, the experience they received. Finish with the group acknowledging and appreciating a Higher Power's presence. Hugs are always a great way to finish! STEP Resilience with conscious connection to the Soul and all life becomes Powerful Resilience. [ Everything shared in the Soul Pod is private and is not to be shared outside the group or posted on any social media. [ This is a judgment-free environment. [ No giving of advice or trying to fix anyone's problems. [ Enter the Pod with kindness and compassion. Harnessing divine resilience by finding deep connection with your Soul through your Soul Pod forms the foundation for building a meaningfully happy and joyous life. Resilience with conscious connection to the Soul and all life becomes Powerful Resilience. Powerful Resilience cures anxiety and stress. Powerful Resilience is what is needed to create miracles. We are in the Age of Surprise. I can't paint the future as a bed of roses, but I can paint a future life-scape where roses from the garden of your soul will spring up despite any surprises the future may hold, if you plant the seeds now. Create your Soul Pod. You will be amazed by the transformation, and your life will be full of wonderful surprises. You will be well on your way to becoming a Master of Resilience. Author Bio : Mystical visionary Deirdre Hade is the founder of The Radiance Journey and the co-author of The (not so) Little Book of Surprises. Her website is www.DeirdreHade.com Oct./Nov. 2019 www.yogicherald.com 19