YH June2018 | Page 83

YOGIC WISDOM EXPECTATIONS ARE YOUR BIGGEST LIMITATION. BHUMAYOGA LET GO! EXPLORE. EMBRACE. LIVE Vibration is the seed of creation, at the root of sustenance, and the tool of dissolution. YOGI ISHAN www.yogishan.com B liss lies neither in the melancholy nor in the joyous, success lies neither in the past nor in the future, everything is temporary whether it be the good times or the hard times. During hard times, one should never lose heart for there is always the chance to bounce back. As the old saying goes, one’s character is tested during the hard times. It is these times when a Yoga practitioner is aided by wisdom and fearlessness – a characteristic that develops on regular practice over a period of time. This does not mean that a Yoga practitioner is above the hard times; it’s only that he handles them better. Another positive result of Yoga practice is the treatment of success. Yoga teaches and programs you to be in the present. We often get caught either in the past or in the future. Failures and negative incidents of the past haunt us whereas insecurity and uncertainty of the future cause worry. Things change with regular meditation. Y O G I C H E R A L D 81