YH June2018 | Page 73

Child Pose This yoga pose completely relaxes you and takes away all the tension. Child Pose [ Sit on a mat or a mattress and bend your legs so that you are sitting on your heels. [ Then take your body forward so that your chest is touching the bed and so is the forehead. [ The chest should touch the knees. [ Extend your arms forward so that they are straight in front of you. [ This will provide a great stretch to your entire back and body. [ Simply breathe in and out and relax in this position for 10 minutes. Corpse Pose The way in which these poses work is that they draw out all the tension and stress that you might be experiencing and thereby help to get the body to relax. The direct result of which is that sleep will no longer be a problem. Corpse Pose [ Lie down on your back and stretch out your legs and place your hands on the sides. [ Completely relax your muscles. [ Then starting at the toes and moving up to your head, imagine that your muscles are becoming softer and softer, one by one. [ Then concentrate on your breathing and think of how the breath is being taken in and being pushed out. [ Try and only think of your breathing and don't let your thoughts wander about. If you find that your thoughts are moving on to different things, bring your concentration back and think of your breathing once again. [ It should seem like you're dead. [ Stay like this for 5-15 minutes. You'll feel completely relaxed. These poses of yoga for better sleep will definitely help to get you the desired results you want. The way in which they work is that they draw out all the tension and stress that you might be experiencing and thereby help to get the body to relax. The direct result of which is that sleep will no longer be a problem. And is that not what you wanted? Y O G I C H E R A L D 71