YH June2018 | Page 20

We all want to live. Life is very important to us. The importance of life is the reason why we care for our health, care for our surroundings, care for our business. This very reason lies at the root of many of our actions and deeds (karma). and hence build larger circuits on the basis of their mind and intellect. Such large circuits are even more complex. This entire circuit is physical, emotional as well as intellectual and hence affects all our five bodies (what yoga has termed Pancha kosha). It is easy to create a net but it is not that easy to open it. Humans build huge and complex nets (surprisingly most of us don’t even know that we have done so) and one day when their existence or part of existence begins to give up, one day when their mind, brain, body and spirit ask for a respite, a man finds himself in a trap created by himself that he is not capable to get out of. He is not able to unwind and he gives up. This is the sort of life most living beings have today – a net in which they are trapped. Here is where Yoga comes into play. Here is where the sutras offer us their helping hand. When a being or soul is Y O G I C H E R A L D 18 trapped and he wants a respite, he seeks a helping hand. He consults a priest, a doctor, friends, wise men, elders and well wishers but their sweet words don’t quench his thirst. He prays to God, searches him but sees no one. When a soul begins his quest for God, many questions that can be branded under spirituality pop up. This state is that of inquisition, and such a soul is labeled as a seeker. His inquisition takes him to transformative sessions, yoga workshops, sacred books and many masters or gurus. But all his questions can only be answered; all his thirst can only be quenched through a practice that will lead to stillness, a stillness that will lead to bliss. Of course, initially it takes that one decision to take to the regular practice, and thereafter to follow the tenets as we get more accustomed to the process. Remember, Seeking is a huge fuel in this entire process. While experiencing the stillness in the inner space during meditation and related kriyas, a human being begins to learn the science of consciousness – a science that takes us into the conscious world, helps us realize our self and helps us attain complete knowledge. Knowledge based on consciousness is subtle, it does not die the death of a material body, and it does not get deleted from our existence. Through this knowledge do we learn that while life is temporary, knowledge is permanent. Through this knowledge do we learn that this entire universe is part of nature and governed by the laws of time and space. Through this knowledge do we learn that nature and everything within it is a net, a chakra. Whether it is our Milky Way galaxy, whether it is our planet earth or whether it be the balance system on this planet – everything is part of a net. One thing is attached to many things, one thing depends on many things – such is