YH December 2018 | Page 81

Following tables shows the different analysis.* ( sample analysis of home made cow ghrit) Composition Value Composition Value Energy- Kcal 899.1 Triglycerides 97-98% Carbohydrate % by mass Nil Diglycerides 0.25-0.4 Fat % by mass 99.9 Monoglycerides 0.016-0.038 Protein % by mass Nil Keto-AcidGlycerides 0.015-0.018 Vit A 550 ug Glyceryides 0.011-0.015 Saturated Fat 67.33 gm Free Fatty Acids 0.1-0.44 MUFA 29.17 g Phospholipids 0.2-1.0 PUFA 3.45 Sterols 0.22-0.41 Cholesterol 310 mg VitaminA 3500 IU/100gm Table 2A. The Composition of cow’s ghee glycerides. Table. 2B. The Composition of ghee residue obtained from Indian Cow Fatty Acid % Composition % Butyric acid 4.5-6.0 Moisture 14.4 Caproic acid 1-1.36 Fat 32.4 Caprylic acid 0.9-1 Protein 36 Lauric acid 6-7 Lactose 12 Myristic acid 21-23 Ash 5.2 Palmitic acid 19-19.5 Stearic acid 11-11.5 Arachidic acid 0.5-0.8 Oleic acid 27-27.5 Linoleic acid 4-5 DESHI GHEE V/S VEGETABLE OIL Marketing strategies force common Indians for switching their cooking media from Ghee to refined hydrogenated vegetable oil. This creates the confusion of blocking our arteries called “THE FEAR OF CHOLESTEROL” Is this right?? Or just being propagated by multinationals to sell their so-called low cholesterol refined or vegetable oil?? Cow’s ghee contains 62-67% saturated fat and a good amount of MUFA(Monounsaturated fatty acids) which is most desirable for the health and this amount is more than that of vegetable oil. Cow’s ghee contains Linoleic acid which is only found in cow’s ghee - again a very essential fatty acid for proper growth of the human body. Apart from all of this, cow’s ghee has some peculiar characteristics which are as follows- During preparation of ghee, protein casein is removed. Animal studies show that casein elevates cholesterol. (Butter oil- IJCP July 1990) It contains natural Vit A which keeps the outer lining of eyeball moist and prevent blindness- Chakusashy. Its melting point is 35 degree Celsius which is less than the normal human body temperature leading to its digestibility coefficient rate 96% which highest among the all edible oils. Other ingredients mixed with ghee as a vehicle (Anupan) reach up to the cellular level because of its lipophilic nature. Yogvahi. Contains beta-carotene and Vit E which are well-known antioxidants- Ayushya Dec. 2018 www.yogicherald.com 79