YH December 2018 | Page 52

M E D I TA T I O N at home in the late afternoon or evening, it may take a while for the nervous system to settle. This may be the cause of some frustration, but keep in mind that it is also a normal reaction, given the pace most people maintain in their life. It is difficult to shift gears after experiencing a frenetic workday. People who merge their spiritual practice with their work are truly blessed. Those who teach yoga and meditation, and are able to support themselves financially through this activity, are living a very favorable karma. Those who have enough money and do not need to work at all are likewise fortunate, but only if they spend their time wisely in uplifting pursuits. There are many wealthy people who have not necessarily pursued deeper, more meaningful lives, although it is difficult to generalize in this respect. The bottom line is that having money can free up your time, and eliminate financial struggles or exposure to stressful work conditions, but it does not guarantee that you will make spiritual expansion an important focus of your attention. As a further reflection on the demands of work, consider that some spiritual souls who are currently incarnating here are not used to the pace and intensity of Western life. They have spent previous lifetimes in the East where the rhythm had been more gentle and serene. If this is the case, they will likely feel out of place, longing for a quieter existence and even suffering imbalance or illness as a result. Their souls may actually be reeling from the shock of such a displacement, and they will likely not have a choice but to search for spiritual succor in this lifetime. A desire to visit the East, or to feel some strong connection with an Eastern religion or people, is often indicative of this situation. Often spiritual souls incarnate in the West not to be encumbered by difficult material conditions, such as lacking the basic necessities of life. Ironically, the demands of their work life may also turn out to be a burden for them. Of course, not all work is burdensome. Many people find their occupation interesting and enjoyable. They may be helping others or simply finding challenges through their jobs. The point is more to have a well-rounded lifestyle and to pursue the inward journey as well. I have never known a meditator to pass through a mid-life crisis or depression. There is too much richness in the quality of their experience to feel any lack in, or remorse about what they have done or where they are headed. I have never known a meditator to pass through a mid-life crisis or depression. There is too much richness in the quality of their experience to feel any lack in, or remorse about what they have done or where they are headed. MEDITATION & FAMILY LIFE Aside from work, raising a family can have a different set of obligations that are no less demanding. If you decide to incorporate meditation into your lifestyle there is no doubt that it will benefit everyone around you; not just close family, but friends and relatives as well. For those who are most immediately in your aura, subtle changes will take place in them, whether they themselves actually meditate or not. The presence of a meditator in their life will always be uplifting if they are open to it. A particularly desirable situation is when both partners in a relationship are meditators. They can provide strong support for one another. Their practice will become more focused, and the relationship itself will develop in ways that transcend the limited bounds of two interacting personalities. The vibrations in the home of such a couple will have a quality of softness and serenity, which visitors will immediately remark on. If only one of the partners meditates the situation is still favorable provided 50 www.yogicherald.com Dec. 2018