YH December 2018 | Page 17

T he first time I heard Sanskrit mantra, a resounding familiarity shook something deep in my heart. After decades of practice and study, during which the medicinal power of mantra healed me on countless personal levels, the true potential of mantra finally struck me in quite an unexpected way. “Oh Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace!” -Saint Francis of Assisi I was on a walking pilgrimage to the high Himālayas, stumbling upon yogī dwellings under rocks that audibly hummed with omnipresence when I heard a repetitive pulse of peace mantras. I cognized the words as ‘Lokāḥ Samastāḥ Sukhino Bhavantu,” but in fact it was the thrust of a wish from the very core of humanity that was moving, unbroken, from silence into sound. As I surrendered my listening more deeply into the pulsing vibration, I could sense a web, a subtle network of highly evolved yogīs serving as transistors for the “peace channel,” and I knew that they were calling me, too, to contribute. My first reaction was a flood of tears, as I felt desperately unfit to attempt such an important service, with my many flaws and unrefined ways! However, in a clear communication to my heart these great beings implored me to add my perfectly imperfect voice and actively spread the word about this “peace channel” precisely because they can’t reach where we can. The network needs transistors who are in the trenches of the world, resounding the words of peace even in the midst of our often hellish, disconnected, chaotic modern life. It turns out, by virtue of my busy, often stressful life I’m perfect for the job! It’s a relief to know we can each play our humble part in the divine plan by chanting mantras for peace. Together, with the help of many students and collaborators, at www.mantrasforpeace.com we have been promoting the life-changing practice of chanting mantras for peace daily for at least 5 minutes. WHY MANTRA? If you’ve ever been hurt by someone’s words or thoughts, you know the power of sound in both it’s audible and subtle form. Mantras for peace turn that power into a force for good. The sounds of the Sanskrit mantras actually create the sensation of peace, thereby connecting our heart’s deep wish for peace with the mind’s intention and the tangible sound. The word “mantra” can be translated as “tool for the mind.” Our minds are immensely powerful instruments because our perspective determines our perception. Our perception sets the wheel of response in motion — from thought, emotion, action, reaction, and pattern. That wheel can turn towards judgment, disconnection and violence, or towards listening, connection and peace. Mantra practice helps us turn our mind inward and harmonizes the subtle, causal levels of our being. In this article series (to be continued over the next several issues), we’ll explore the use of mantras for peace on a deeply personal level. If you join us in the practice, you can expect numerous shifts in awareness that will filter down into shifts in your thoughts, words, and deeds. The practice will make a tangible contribution to peace in the microcosm of your world, and this in turn will impact the macrocosm. Can a mantra actually bestow peace? In the tradition of mantra chanting, there is an entire category of mantras dedicated to creating peace. Let’s look at the simplest of these śāntipāṭh mantras, the Sanskrit word for peace. Śāntiḥ = Peace What is the sound you naturally make to calm an agitated child or animal? What is the sound of the ocean from a distance, or the sound of leaves in the forest? Shhhhh… Dec. 2018 www.yogicherald.com 15