YFU Handbooks | Page 5

Program Design, Expectations and Communication The Communications Big Dipper: An Explanation The Communications Big Dipper provides exchange participants with a visual image of how the various YFU Community College Program (CCP) players work together. The most important part of the diagram is the shaded triangle on the right— “Critical Triangle.” This is where the exchange takes place...in the host family home, on the college campus, and in the broader community. As an international homestay and academic exchange experience for young adults, the YFU Community College Program immerses students in both a community and college campus environment. Host families enable students to experience the host culture and to become part of the community. By sharing their native culture with host families, YFU students provide host families with an equally important cultural experience. The college community also participates in the exchange. Faculty, staff, and students benefit as YFU international students contribute an important international dimension to the college. The college community, in return, offers YFU students opportunities to pursue rigorous academic, technical, or English language training and to take part in extracurricular, athletic, and volunteer activities. The person who facilitates the exchange on all these levels is the YFU Campus Coordinator. Appointed by the college, the Campus Coordinator supports YFU students and their host families. YFU USA trains and supports Campus Coordinators. The Communications Big Dipper Diagram shows the Campus Coordinator’s key role in the YFU support structure: s/he stays in contact with all members of the exchange. The Campus Coordinator completes the critical triangle which includes host families and YFU students and provides support in key areas: Host Family/Student Support. Students and families are expected to support and communicate directly with one another. Host families assist students with adjusting to a new culture and adapting to college life in the USA. Students also contribute to and participate in family life. If communication between student and host family breaks down, the Campus Coordinator is available to help. Orientation and Information. The Campus Coordinator directs structured orientations and conducts regular meetings for exchange participants to gather information, address issues, plan activities, and learn about recreational options. Liaison with Campus Resources. Students can benefit from the many faculty, staff, counselors, and other trained professionals who assist YFU college students. The Campus Coordinator assists the student with identifying appropriate college staff for advanced course approvals, tutoring, and other academic services. CCP students must take responsibility to: 1. access the support available to them; 2. approach and cooperate with others to resolve difficulties; and 3. explore new opportunities for personal growth provided by the exchange experience. Generally, the Campus Coordinator relays most routine requests for information or support to the Campus Coordinator; however, students and host families can contact YFU USA directly. CCP staff will refer an issue back to the appropriate college representative if contacted about an issue that must involve the Campus Coordinator or College Liaison. Most adjustment, host family, academic, and policy issues can only be thoroughly addressed with the help of educators at the college. CCP HANDBOOK - 5