YFU Handbooks 2015 Family Handbook (Study Abroad) | Page 36

YFU supervision . However , if this cannot be done , the separation from the YFU program is final . The student will then lose YFU support and his / her ticket to the home country where applicable .
Views . The political views students express are their own . Students are in no way official representatives of their countries ’ governments . Students should tell this to people they meet who may think the students represent their countries officially .
Representation . On the other hand , for many people , a YFU student may be the first American they have met . This means that the student ’ s behavior will give people their first impressions of what the student ’ s fellow citizens are like . YFU hopes that all exchange students are friendly and active , and that they will share some of their culture with their host communities in a positive , constructive way .
Policy : For medical reasons , placement and personal consideration , female students found to be pregnant while on the Youth For Understanding program will normally be returned home immediately after notification of the natural parents . Individual circumstances may justify exceptions to this policy ; however , all students will be considered for Early Return .
Male YFU students who cause pregnancies while on program will be subject to the same policy as females .
Policy : Exchange students and their host families frequently have very different ideas about religion . YFU encourages students to join their host families in all their activities , including religious services , unless the students ’ beliefs make it impossible . It is the student ’ s choice , however , to attend or not to attend services .
A student may wish to ask the host family to help find a church or other house of worship of the student ’ s denomination if it is different of that of the host family , and if the student wishes to attend those services .
Policy : In the process of becoming acquainted , both host families and students may find they need to modify expectations and behavior . YFU area representatives can assist both students and host families in working toward a resolution of any difficulties .
Changing host families should never be a first option for problem solving . Sometimes , in a small number of cases , students must change host families . This usually happens because of very strong personality differences . YFU students should not think about changing host families unless there are very serious reasons for this move . YFU-USA will not usually consider the following reasons for changing families : The student is having trouble adjusting to the host country , wants to move to a different size community or state , has a different ethnic and / or socioeconomic background from his or her host family , or the host school does not offer enough classes .
The decision to change families is made by YFU only after there has been discussion among the area representative , student , and host family . YFU strongly believes that it is important to discuss with all participants problems that may or may not lead to a replacement . There are times that this procedure may not be followed due to circumstances unique to the student and host family .
Attendance - All Youth For Understanding students on the year or semester program are expected to regularly attend a secondary school , and each host country is encouraged to see that a normal course of schoolwork is maintained . Repeated absence will result in consideration for Early Return .
Performance - Allowing for an initial period of linguistic and / or academic adjustment , a student is expected to achieve an adequate school academic record . Within a reasonable period of time , poor motivation , underachievement ( e . g . failing grades ) or inappropriate behavior , in combination with poor adjustment in general , will be cause for Early Return consideration .
Formal Expulsion - If a student is expelled from school , the student will be considered for Early Return .
The school life of an exchange student is nearly as important as family life with the host family . Some students may experience some comprehension difficulties at the start of the school year ; this is normal and should disappear as the student ’ s ability to communicate improves .
In many host countries , schools do not sponsor clubs , sports or other activities like US high schools . However , local and national clubs for sports , arts , and many other activities are usually open to exchange students .
No student on the YFU program should expect that his or
36 - Study Abroad Family Handbook