Year in Highlights 2014 ENG | Page 53


"Is 20 Years Just Nothing? The International Conference on Population and

Development 20 Years after its Adoption" – María Antonieta Alcalde

Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development (First session of the

Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC)

Stockholm Statement of Commitment on the Implementation of ICPD Beyond


"We must lobby and move these agendas discussed forward, open up the discussion on the topic of abortion in all educational spheres, parliamentary spheres …I believe this situation is like a pressure cooker at the brink of explosion. As legislators we have the obligation to respond to rights, not in beliefs or in convictions, because we are responsible to a society that is plural, secular, with a variety of beliefs."

"We must make a change in our model of health because we are talking about a model of curative care and not a preventive model. And that even implies changing the focus in an economic sense …. What is spent on [curative] care is 20 times the amount that should be invested in prevention."