Yachtzoo Brochure 2018 - 2019 | Page 46

DESTINATION INSPIRATION: HISTORY & CULTURE Turkey H I S TO R Y C O M E S A L I V E 37.95˚ N / 27.35˚ E WHEN TO GO: MAY TO OCTOBER To the north of Turkish yachting hotspot Bodrum lies Ephesus, a once hugely important commercial centre for the ancient world and today one of the best-preserved historical cities in Europe. Founded by the Greeks in the 10th-century BC, it went on to expand significantly under rule of the Roman Empire and is thought to be the location where St John wrote his gospel for the Bible. Ephesus was once the location of a large and impressive temple dedicated to Ar temis, Greek goddess of hunting and the forest, which was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. As it is now a major attraction for those visiting Turkey, the best and most evocative 044 way of seeing Ephesus is undoubtedly through a private tour and celebratory dinner, exclusively available to a limited number of special guests through YACHTZOO and our colleagues. Arrive as the sun is beginning to set and the public have depar ted, leaving you and your par ty to experience a rare private tour of the ancient ruins, which take on an entirely new and vivid form as the twilight approaches. Learn about the day-to-day happenings of inhabitants, from rulers and merchants to serfs, as your guide brings the past to life. After the conclusion of the private tour, make your way to the cour tyard of the ancient Celsius Library, with its atmospheric lighting and a private musical performance of classical music from the Izmir Symphony Orchestra while you dine in style.