Xtraordinary Women Magazine October 2014 | Page 3

Dear Xtraordinary Woman,

Can you believe that there are less than 90 days left until the end of the year?

September has been a very busy month for us as we are in the processes of setting our goals for 2015. Have you set your sights on your goals for 2015? How far are you in reaching your goals for 2014?

Last month we implemneted our new initiative "Ask the Coach' and your questions have been flooding in. It seems that we are all in need for some business inspiration and some coaching now that the end of the year is in sight. The life of an entrepreneur can be a lonely one, however, Xtraodinary Women is here to travel your journey with you.

We would love to hear from you. Please drop us a line at [email protected] with your comments, suggestions, etc. We want to bring you content which is relevant to you and your business.

Until Next Month,

Stay Xtraordinary!
