Xtraordinary Women Magazine July 2015 | Page 48

Ever wondered why most eCommerce sites ver eCommerce present products against a clean and endless white background? The answer is simple really. It increases profits. High quality point point-of-sale (POS images) photographed on a white or a neutral infinity curve directly influences the bottom line. Is it surprising then that in 2014, giant eCommerce company, Amazon, deemed it necessary to register a patent for this basic photography process with the US Patent Office? Patent no 8676045, simply referred to , as Studio Arrangement, , describes a technique that is the industry standard for showcasing products on retail websites websites. Here is how presenting your products on a seamless white (or neutral background) can also work for your eCommerce company: IMPROVING SALES It supports browser-to-buyer conversion on buyer eCommerce websites and improves sales. According to MDG Advertising in New York, n 67% of consumers indicate that clear and detailed images definitely influence their buying patterns. In fact it is even more important than the product description, information about the product and customer he ratings. Have a look at their infographic below. SAVING PRODUCTION AND EDITING TIME It also simplifies the creative shooting process and post-production time, and saves production money by ensuring colour accuracy and simplifying, even eliminating, the deep deepetching or cut-out process in post out post-production thereby reducing the chances of pixe eby pixelated edges around the product. IMPROVING WORKFLOW Consistency of visual style improves the website maintenance workflow. It ensures continuity and requires fewer adjustments to match older and recently shot images. It also makes it easier to embed into the sales page.