XIOX MAGAZINE Volume 2 Issue 11 | Page 28

noun , plural di · ver · si · ties . 1 . the state or fact of being diverse ; difference ; unlikeness : diversity of opinion . 2 . variety ; multiformity . 3 . the inclusion of individuals representing more than one national origin , color , religion , socioeconomic stratum , sexual orientation , etc .: diversity in the workplace .

diversity [ dih-vur-si-tee , dahy- ]

noun , plural di · ver · si · ties . 1 . the state or fact of being diverse ; difference ; unlikeness : diversity of opinion . 2 . variety ; multiformity . 3 . the inclusion of individuals representing more than one national origin , color , religion , socioeconomic stratum , sexual orientation , etc .: diversity in the workplace .

photographer - fidel gonzalez photo assitant - joshua mcintyre mua - yvonne macinnis - james vincent danessa myricks - jon hennessey - lijha stewart hair - magen grays nails - naomi gonzalez retouching - cristal touch production