X299 OC Guide Skylake Skylake | Page 19

Step 4 (Success): Congratulations, your current overclock is stable. You may want to try for a higher frequency. To do so, experiment with raising your CPU Clock Ratio and CPU Vcore settings either in BIOS or EasyTune and go back to Step 1 to ensure that it’s stable. Example of a 4.7GHz non-delidded CPU on air: Delid for Lower Tempertures There’s an additional way to get extra performance out of your CPU and that is to delid it. Delidding your CPU will reduce your CPU temperatures by 15-30C on load which allows for higher voltage settings thus higher overclocks. Delidding is the process of removing the integrated heat spreader (silver part) from the PCB (green part). Once you delid you can remove the thermal interface material (TIM) that is used to conduct heat between the IHS and the PCB and replace it with superior performing thermal paste. There are a few ways