Wykeham Journal 2016 | Page 3

Welcome to the third edition of the Wykeham Journal

And a warm welcome to Dr Tim Hands , our Headmaster from September , and to his wife Jane .

In the short period since 2014 , the WJ has become a much enjoyed and appreciated window on life at Win Coll and its wider community . Its predecessor , the Annual Report , though always interesting , inevitably suffered the fate of any publication with such a dry title . The WJ still addresses the management and finances of Win Coll , but now in a lighter and more approachable manner , and it celebrates the vitally important contribution our donors make to the life of the school . The WJ has also become known for the quality and interest of its feature essays . We hope you enjoy them and , indeed , the WJ as a whole . There is every chance you will . Our guest editor is M Ali F Khan ( F , 2000-05 ), a graduate of the School of Oriental and African Studies , who , despite his youth , is already a seasoned editor , having edited

SOAS Spirit , founded SOAS News , and helped set up and edit Syria ’ s first English language daily paper . As you would expect , he provides us with a diversity of viewpoints : from a Wykehamist family , from one of Her Majesty ’ s Ambassadors , from a French don , from a senior gardener and from a Nigerian enterprise . We have been told that Wykehamists are noted for their open-minded approach to learning and their consideration for others . We hope this is true , and you may find within some reasons why it could be so . Wykehamists know that their education , in the broadest sense of that word , is dependent on a strong community of parents , dons , staff and donors . It is for that wide Win Coll community that the WJ is put together .
The Wykeham Journal 2016 1