Wykeham Journal 2015 | Page 13

76 14/15 13/14 12/13 1,410,596 2,118,646 1,695,963 14/15 13/14 12/13 11/12 20,771 14/15 18,560 19,721 13/14 12/13 17,251 11/12 14,168 10/11 12,159 10,301 09/10 9,675 Number of pupils receiving a bursary Total value of bursaries awarded 125 76 50 34 £2,935,000 £1,411,000 £709,000 £305,216 Average value of each bursary   - £ Number of awards of 50% of the fee or more AV E R AG E VA L U E O F B U R S A R I E S AWA R D E D (£ ) 07/08 3 5 10 2015/16 years ago years ago years ago   - as a % of the school fee 708,375 10/11 422,360 620,123 09/10 07/08 08/09 367,655 1,311,050 TOTA L VA L U E O F B U R S A R I E S AWA R D E D (£ ’ 0 0 0 ) 08/09 fee awards totalling £2,431,000, representing more than 10% of gross fee income. The start of the new academic year saw the number of pupils on bursaries rise to 125, including 31 to new men joining Junior Part and six direct into Sixth Book. Demand from those coming in 2016 and 2017 remains strong. The growth in both the number and value of bursaries awarded over recent years is remarkable and reflects the School’s success in spreading the word that bursaries are available: 11/12 51 50 10/11 41 09/10 38 07/08 08/09 50 76 86 102 N U M B E R O F B OY S RECEIVING BURSARIES £23,480 £18,560 £14,168 £8,977 66% 57% 47% 38% 88 51 27 8 The School’s own analysis shows that pupils receiving bursary support play a full part in the life of the School, both academically and more widely. With that success comes the responsibility to ensure that the School can properly fund those commitments to its pupils and their parents. At present, the Bursary Fund is far from sufficient to meet the demand. It currently stands at £11,528,000 and generates a welcome £343,000 of income each year, which was supplemented by £143,000 of annual giving this year. The discrepancy with what is already being spent is clear and the current rate of increase is unsustainable. The School cannot safely do more until the Bursary Fund becomes larger and in the meantime has made changes to its admissions procedures to allow it to prioritise the awards it makes. Barton Farm and other investments will play their part over time but they will not remove the continuing need for fundraising. The Wykeham Journal 2015  11