Writers Tricks of the Trade Volume 5, Issue 5 | Page 19

PRESS “CONTROL” THEN CLICK “BUY” TO PURCHASE THE BOOK BOOKS BY JANE FRIEDMAN NEWSLETTERS (CONT’D) Even if you can’t offer something of tangible value, consider how to add something each time that’s meant to do nothing but delight or draw a smile. Bo Sacks does this effectively with a closing, humorous image in his newsletter. 3. TRY A SIMPLE A/B TEST ON YOUR SUBJECT LINE. An A/B test is when you create two newsletters, but change one single quality, and test them against each other (by sending to a small portion of your list) to see which performs better. I recommend testing your subject line to find out what leads to better open rates, so over time you know exactly what triggers your readers to open your messages. Here’s an example of a recent A/B test on my list. BUY 4. USE BOLD, ITALIC, OR OTHER SIMPLE FORMATTING TO DRAW ATTENTION TO IMPORTANT CALLS TO ACTION. E