Writers Tricks of the Trade Volume 5, Issue 4 | Page 27

PRESS “CONTROL” THEN CLICK “BUY” TO PURCHASE THE BOOK AN INTERESTING EXCHANGE ABOUT MEMOIRS (CONT’D) conference calls, email formats from as we paperback to hardcover. non-fiction, and and in person trade helped Bella compile her memories working together over the period of more than a year. the book is in first person. the credit was supposed to be "Bella Capo as told to Morgan St. James and Dennis N. Griffin" but that isn't the way the publisher designed the cover. she will be writing another book and the credit will be correct. just wanted to set the record straight. 6/24, 6:46 pm Thank you for your comments Morgan. However, it still doesn't alter the fact that the book is described by yourself and at least two book sites as a Biography, so the XXX rule of " . . . NO SELF-PROMOTION. Please don't mention your books/products/blogs/websites or put links to them.", still stands. 6/24, 10:30 pm I know I must seem like I'm beating a dead horse, and I'm not asking you to list the book as you've clearly stated your decision. However, I must ask you where you found the book listed as a biography, because I have never listed is or described it as anything but a memoir or Bella's true story. The only thing I could find is that it is on Amazon under a catchall category of Biographies and Memoirs. I 6