Writers Tricks of the Trade Vol. 6 Issue 1 | Page 18

PRESS “CONTROL” THEN CLICK “BUY” TO PURCHASE ANY BOOK Life Stories (Cont’d) of wine and some good food. Silly me. I thought being surrounded by people would make me feel better, and I only got more depressed. So there I was, feeling sorry for myself, when I realized the man’s voice in the booth behind me sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it. I probably shouldn’t have eavesdropped, but this man and a woman with some kind of accent were speaking a little louder than they should have. I could hear it all.” “And this affects me because…” “Oh hell! Because I realized why the voice sounded so familiar. I’m afraid the voice belonged to Bob, and they weren’t talking about the weather. Just before I got up to leave, he’d said something about clearing his schedule in the next few weeks so they could spend time together before she left Los Angeles. Um, her accent sounded sort of Scandinavian. He called her Bevica.” The flush started somewhere around my collarbone and pretty soon my whole face was on fire. I shouted, “Bevica!” Sue looked at me in surprise. “You know her?” “Not personally, but, I know of her. He told me she was a friend of his brother Donnie and his wife. He said Donnie asked if Bob could put her up for a few weeks as a favor since they don’t have a guest room. You know how he caters to his brother. I pictured some aged woman who was going to be a pain in the ass and I was fine with it. I’m not fine with it now. I’m really pretty pissed.” “Oh, Aud, I’m so sorry. I probably shouldn’t have said anything.” “Don’t be sorry. As far as I’m concerned, that cinches it. He offered to pay for everything we do, so Susie my friend, we’re gonna have a ball and anything goes!” Writers Digest 1952 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016 PAGE 10 WRITERS’ TRICKS OF THE TRADE